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Dovid & Rivky Miller
This is OUR shul OUR community!! Please donate generously so that we can reach our goal! It will really mean a lot to us! $50k is toward the Ezras Nashim Dedication for my Mother- Leah Sarah bas Shmuel a"h.

Nestled in the heart of Pine Lake Park, Bais Tefillah of Manchester has been a beacon of Torah, Tefillah, and community for our ever-growing number of families. Under the devoted leadership of Rabbi Avraham Zelig Krohn shlit”a, we have seen our community grow in spirit, unity, and number.

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Yet, with growth comes new challenges. Our current space, a humble basement, has been the cornerstone of our thriving kehilla, but it can no longer accommodate the explosive growth we are experiencing.

Now is the time to lay the foundation for our future. We are embarking on an ambitious journey to secure a suitable property for Bais Tefillah, a place that mirrors our aspirations and meets our expanding needs.

But we cannot do this alone.

Please partner with us. Every contribution, large or small, will play a pivotal role in shaping the next chapter of our shul’s legacy. Please join us in ensuring that our shul continues to thrive as a makom torah and tefillah for us and our future generations.

Together, we can build a home for our present and secure a legacy for our future.

This campaign has been closed

Dovid & Rivky Miller
This is OUR shul OUR community!! Please donate generously so that we can reach our goal! It will really mean a lot to us! $50k is toward the Ezras Nashim Dedication for my Mother- Leah Sarah bas Shmuel a"h.

Number of Donors: 251


Aidel Miller
Raizy Lesser
Shmuel & Temi Alpert
Yissochor Kohn
Dovi Pines
Daddy Miller
Shragi Schorr
Chuny Hertzka
Mordechai Tzvi Fensterheim
Daddy Miller
Yechiel Berger
Moishy & Adina Perelson
In honor of Dovid and Rivky!
David and Mimi Samuels
Avigdor Fried
Moshe Waxman
William & Rochelle Moskowitz
Yossi Mozes
Ahron Stefansky
Fan of Dovid Miller
Moshe Fensterheim
Eli Kohn
Sam Becker
Hershy and Felice Akerman
Naftali frankel
Shimon Machlis
Nechi Akerman
Dovid Schnittlinger
Gitel Brenner
Aryeh Miller
Akiva Londindki
Dudi Spira
House of Shades
Mordy Fisgus
ברכה והצלחה
Pinchos Adler
Lzecher nishmas yoel ben nosson and esther bas kalman yehuda
simcha weisz
In honor of our friends, Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid Miller. Wow! what a beautiful campaign!
Helen Goldberg
Daddy Miller
Sendy and Sarah Shulman
IHO Rav Dovid Shlit”a!
Rabbi Friedman
Devora Jacobs
Eliyahu Dombroff
Yumi and Dina Goldberger
yossi flax
Bentzy levy
Shimmy Lieberman
Lichvod Horav Miller Shlita
Sruli Daum
You got this!
Eliyahu and Leah Dina Moskowitz
Benny Kotler
Avrohom and Rivkie Miller
Benzy Brachfled
Shua and Miri Miller
Chaim Steg
Barry Hertz
Aaron Adams
Ann Zeilingold
Eliyahu Deutsch
Dan Abittan
Henna Langsam
Daniel Nimchinsky
בזכות שמירת יהושע נתן בן סימה מינה
Shimon Schick
Nissie Tillim
Yisroel Monheit
Yonaton and Malki Glucksman
Yonason Pick
Tzvi Kleinkaufman
Mordy Basch
In memory of RUCHAMA Rivka Sondra bad reb yechail
Adams Family
Joey Brecher
Yehoshua B Weinstein
Ronald Miller
Eli Fischer
Esti Perlow
Moshe and Yehudis Rowner
In honor of Dovid and Rivky Miller
Mordy Eichorn
Yakov Metzger
Yossi Berger
Yitzy and Chayala Stroll
Ushi Kritzler
Yoni and Adina Gross
L'iluy nishmas Leah Sara bas shmuel, our cousin Aggie A'H. - Yoni and Adina Gross
Yehuda & Tova Yurowitz
Lilui nishmas Leah Sarah bas Shmuel a"h
Elliot Yurowitz
Yossi Lax
Should be a tremendous zechus
Jeffrey & Lisa Teitelbaum
Yitzchok and Shifra Yurowitz
Sara Tal
In honor o my dear cousin who was a true inspiration, Leah Sara bas Shmuel.
Shragi and Riki Chafetz
Tal family
Shloime Tendler
Tzvi Kaplovitz
Yossi Walzman
Chaya Akerman
Ben and Matti Rosenberg
For tomorrow כא חשון , Leilu Nishmas מנחם מנדל בן יוסף יזפה
Mayer Hoberman
Chaim Klein
Shimmy Kohn
Shmuli Schiff
You should be zoche to build a true Makom torah U'tefillah Im"h
Ephraim Yurowitz
MD Friedler
Shimon (Ben) and Racheli Kaplan
Dovid and Rivky Miller- The Mispallelim should continue to see much siyata dishmaya and continued bracha and hatzlacha!
Nechama and michoel insel
L”ZN Leah Sara Bas Shmuel
Ezi Wahl
Mordechai Anton
Abi and Aidel Miller
Tzvi Possick
Dovid Rivky Miller
Avrohom Adler
Sholy and Rachel Greenberger
Yisroel Akerman
Naftali and Michal Licht
Shloimie & Sorie Lax
Y Klafter
Y&S Goldstein
Linda and Michael Elman
Yosef Lewin
Simcha Kraus
Avigdor & Esther Malka Klinger
Moshe Feinstein
anonymous freind
Joe Flohr
In honor of the one and only Dovid Miller!
Shua & Faigie Gold
Yehuda & Malky Katz
Zack Burack
Mordechai Rupp
Shloimy Faiz
Thank you Dovid for all the help in Oorah! Karate guy 😉
Yaakov and Sima Guttman
Yonis cuisine
Nachum Greenberg
Gooo Reb Dovid!!!
Esther Yeger
In honor of my dearest friend Leah Sarah A"H.
Yehuda Jacobovits
Eliezer Terebelo
Boris Malayev
Zvi and Etti Joseph
Ricky and Kalman Groner
Stuart Sanders
Yaakov Ruvel
Yecheskel Warman
yisaschar goldhirsh
A Sach Hatzolah
Avrohom m Green
David Tseitlin
Eliyohu Heisler
Shua Novoseller
Ben and Matti Rosenberg
Fred Nussbaum
Asher Moskovits
Doniel Miller
Daniel & Ahuva Miller
L"N Leah Sarah bas Shmuel a"h
chaim lan
Simcha and Adina Miller
In memory of - Leah Sarah bas Shmuel a"h. from Simcha and Adina Miller
לע"נ מנחם נחום בן משה ע"ה לע"נ שרה בת יהושע הכהן ע"ה
Moshe & Blimi Fleischman
Lkuvid Dovid Miller the tireless force behind this project. You are definitely making your mother proud.
T & T Heimlich
Murray and Pearl Klier
לזכר נשמת לאה שרה בת שמואל a true Aishes Chayil תנו לה מפרי ידיה ויהללוה בשערים מעשיה
Tulchi Green
Moishe & Chaya Miller
Moshe Weissberger
Yitzchok Benoliel
Malki Michelle Iczkovitz
Nossi and Aliza Rakow
Where am I holding in life?
Ari and Dina Wieder
Eliezer Charnas
Yom kippur
Rebecca Herman
Mendy and Rivka Nachfolger
In honor of Dovid and Rivky Miller!
Yehuda Wagner
Breindy Kraut
Shmuel Klein
Tzippy and Asher Sternbuch
Simcha Solomon
Moshe segall
Eli Akerman
In honor of Dovid Miller and Uncle Shloimie
Avrumi and Yael Scheff
L'iluiy nishmas Leah Sarah bas Shmuel
Shloimie and Leiby
Totty and Mommy Akerman
Chaim and Miri Zell
L'iluiy nishmas Leah Sarah bas Shmuel
Aharon Zev Adams
Yossi Adler
Dovid Rex
Yeruchem Rakow
Tzvi Price
Boruch Framovitz
Naftali and Shani Miller
Lzecher nishmas Leah Sarah bas Shmuel
Shmuel Wise
In honor of yedidi, Reb Dovid
Yonah & Shira Lazar
Richie Benedikt
Mark Chopp
Norman Prupas
Pinchos Friedlander
Suri Kleinman
Rochel Leah Goldberg
In honor of a special friend! Keep up the great work!!
Avrohom M Buckwald
Yisroel and Ahuva Shulman
Josef & Penina Elouze
Shaya Leifer
Shloime Akerman
Avi Fladen
Moshe Lisker
Binyomin Levitz
Yisroel Polter
Lzchus Malka bas chava gittel lshidduch bkarov!!
Dovi Schertzer
Ahron Shaul Yanofsky
Leah sarah bas shmuel
Sholom and Zahava Levitin
Avrohom Aryeh and Shani Rakow
Chedva Cohen
Eli Akerman
Yossi Raider
Avrohom Brog
Sholom and Zahava Levitin
R Elli Bohm
Eliezer,Talia,Yehuda Leib and Basya
May you help finish what David Hamelech started
Yehuda & Etty
Gershon Frank
Aharon Leeder
Chaim & Rikki Friedman
Leah Friedman
In honor of Mr Miller and Co ! Keep up this amazing work !
Zeidy and Bobby Akerman
Jeremy Garfunkel
Zev Carlebach
Daddy Miller
Team Name Raised Goal
Dovid & Rivky Miller $53,648.00 $60,000.00
Gelb Family $38,052.98 $20,000.00
Rav Avrohom Krohn Shlita $36,806.00 $50,000.00
Avigdor & Esti Spiegel $32,866.00 $36,335.00
Yaakov and Bryndy Selmar $28,324.75 $30,000.00
Ari & Lea Zoldan $22,748.00 $26,335.00
Mendlowitz Family $16,828.50 $18,000.00
Yakov & Shaina Keidar $16,345.00 $18,335.00
Shmuel & Shoshana Sussman $14,892.00 $18,335.00
Mendy & Yehudis Eckstein $13,833.00 $13,000.00
Yaakov & Kayla Fendel $12,526.00 $15,000.00
Pinny & Chai Shedrowitzky $12,338.32 $12,000.00
Yehuda & Aviva Peretz $11,984.07 $8,335.00
Akiva & Miriam Eisenbach $11,256.00 $11,935.00
Shmuel & Chaya Giti Sitorsky $10,573.00 $11,000.00
Yossie & Sarah Nebenzahl $9,413.00 $8,335.00
Yitzi & Rikki Weissman $9,325.00 $20,000.00
Shloime & Miriam Taub $9,094.27 $8,335.00
Fern Family $8,545.00 $8,700.00
Dovid & Rivka Weiss $8,518.00 $8,335.00
Moshe & Shani Meister $8,339.00 $8,335.00
Moshe & Tzivi Rosenshein $8,333.00 $8,335.00
Moishy & Miriam Cohen $8,333.00 $13,335.00
Henoch & Esti Cohn $8,333.00 $8,400.00
Sruly & Rachelli Frenkel $8,333.00 $8,333.00
Naftali & Sara Miriam Fireman $7,242.00 $26,335.00
Mordechai & Rochel Goldschmidt $6,967.00 $8,335.00
Dovid & Sara H Sicker $6,658.00 $8,333.00
Papelow Family $6,425.00 $8,335.00
Dovid & Tzippy Grossberg $6,141.00 $10,000.00
Chaim & Tamar Francis $6,044.00 $8,335.00
Yaakov & Rochel Rosenwasser $5,889.00 $8,335.00
Aharonoff Family $5,785.00 $5,000.00
Moshe & Tzipori Birnbaum $5,458.00 $11,935.00
Yoni & Rivki Roth $5,420.00 $8,335.00
Meir & Sari Reider $5,371.00 $5,000.00
Saslow Family $5,242.00 $8,335.00
Skaist Family $4,964.00 $8,333.00
Schecter Family $4,548.00 $8,333.00
Elchonon & Aliza Gordon $4,158.00 $8,333.00
Mordechai & Sarah Hyton $3,727.00 $8,335.00
Lange Family $3,649.00 $8,330.00
Elazar & Tami Cohen $3,645.00 $8,335.00
Naiman Family $3,232.00 $8,333.00
Zevy & Elisheva Greenfield $3,177.00 $8,333.00
Talmidei Waterbury $3,144.00 $25,000.00
Lew Family $3,096.00 $10,000.00
Moishe & Yehudis Sonnenschein $2,727.00 $8,335.00
Motti & Rivka Fogel $2,501.00 $2,500.00
Kulefsky Family $2,365.00 $8,333.00
Yitzi &Leah Rosenstock $2,290.00 $8,333.00
Moishy & Chani Davidowitz $2,098.00 $3,600.00
Avi & Rochel Wax $2,070.00 $8,333.00
Hillel & Sarah Miriam Dorfman $1,913.00 $1,800.00
Yehoshua & Sara Friedman $1,894.00 $8,335.00
Yakov & Rochel Speiser $1,166.00 $2,500.00
Gluck family $1,161.00 $8,335.00
Binyomin & Bina Herskowitz $1,061.00 $8,333.00
Avrumi & Chani Friedman $1,008.00 $8,335.00
Khal Bais Tefilla $769.00 $5,000.00
Mechel & Sarah Lemberger $561.00 $8,333.00
Sharaby Family $461.00 $8,335.00
Flynn Family $455.00 $1,800.00
Yanai & Sharona Scheff $230.00 $8,333.00




Tax ID #: 92-0950749

1503 LARCHMONT ST | TOMS RIVER, NJ 08757 | PHONE: 718.753.7674

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